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                People always having some selfishness within them about something. Some great peoples are not like them. So they are really great.

               Whatever your work may be, you can be an engineer, doctor, teacher, driver, politician, accountant, auditor or any online businessman. First, know that If you can't work for others, you can't work for you.

   What is the topic meant by? 

               You are getting knowledge only by serving a company, organization or institution. That means working for income but giving value to getting your knowledge.
                I believe while, I am working for others, I am getting knowledge and improving me. Working principles giving me a lot of learning from my experience.
               If I failed to work for my learning, I won't be able to get a successful life. So, I motivate you to work for others with full concentration.
 When you're working with concentration for others that habits give you a large impact within you. 

              And it gives you a lot of opportunities to learn in a specific manner. New learning can be implemented in your personal life. That experience gives you a boost in your own life.

               If you are not working for others, you can't improve your skills, and you can't grow. Your growth will be postponed. So, don't postpone your growth.

              Each and every work having their learning inside them. While doctors serving patients they are learning about some new medicines and identifying new diseases and improving their skills to cure their patient's diseases.

             While marketers working for their customers they are learning their customer's needs and demands. They are improving their marketing skills and extending their markets on a large scale.

             While teachers and coaches working for their students they are learning about their students and making a difference between their minds.

              In any scenario wherever people work, they are learning or getting skills only by working for others. Every work running only for their society and not for individuals. 

             Whatever your field maybe you are working only for others and not for you. If you are giving a major response to others you can get massive results as a success.

             So, don't work for you, work for others. Knowingly or  unknowingly all of us are working only for others, not for us. 

             If you don't want to work for others, you will set you idle. Laziness occurs you. The mind will be blank. Nothing will be there to think. 

             If you can't work for others, surely you can't get good results in your work. 

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